@ARTICLE {KILWINGER:2021, title = {Characterizing cassava farmer typologies and their seed sourcing practices to explore opportunities for economically sustainable seed business models in Rwanda}, author = {Kilwinger, F. B. and Mugambi, S. and Manners, R. and Schut, M. and Tumwegamire, S. and Nduwumuremyi, A. * and Bambara, S. * and Paauwe, M. * and Almekinders, C. J. }, journal = {Outlook on Agriculture}, year = {2021}, volume = {50}, number = {4}, pages = {441--454}, issn = {0030-7270}, note = {CAHub; Science Area SSAB; RTB; Cassava; First Published November 30, 2021}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1177/00307270211045408}, doi = {10.1177/00307270211045408}, } |