@PHDTHESIS {ADEWALE:2021, title = {Inheritance patterns and genome-wide association study of tropical early-maturing maize ...}, author = {Adewale, S. A. *}, year = {2021}, type = {Thesis written in the department of Crop Production and Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and submitted to the Postgraduate College}, school = {Obafemi Awolowo University}, address = {Ile-Ife, Nigeria}, note = {WAHub; CRP Maize; IITA supervisor; Dr. Badu-Apraku, B.; Pdf can be access through KC staff Mgt. 218p.; Inheritance patterns and genome-wide association study of tropical early-maturing maize inbred lines under Striga infestation and drought stress environments: thesis written in the department of Crop Production and Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and submitted to the Postgraduate College, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science}, } |