@ARTICLE {FALADE:2022, title = {Aflatoxin contamination of maize, groundnut, and sorghum grown in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger and aflatoxin exposure assessment}, author = {Falade, T. D. O. and Neya, A. * and Bonkoungou, S. * and Dagno, K. * and Basso, A. * and Senghor, A. L. * and Atehnkeng, J. and Ortega-Beltran, A. and Bandyopadhyay, R. }, journal = {Toxins}, year = {2022}, volume = {14}, number = {-: 700}, pages = {1--15}, issn = {2072-6651}, note = {WAHub; CAHub; SSAB; PPPH; CRP Maize; CRP Grain Legumes; Groundnut; Sorghum; Published 12 October 2022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/ toxins14100700}, doi = {10.3390/ toxins14100700}, } |