@MISC {ZANZANA:2022, title = {Performances des techniques d'association mais-pois d'angole efficientes contre la Chenille Legionnaire Automne}, author = {Zanzana, K. and Tepa-Yotto, G. and Sinzogan, A. * and Goergen, G. and Dannon, E. A. * and Tamo, M. }, year = {2022}, month = {November}, howpublished = {P 14 in: Book of Abstracts, 1st Symposium of the Entomological Society of the Republic of Benin (SERB), 8-10 Nov., IITA Benin, Abomey-Calavi, Benin}, note = {WAHub; Science Area BPB; PPPH;}, } |