title = {Sustainable intensification of wheat production under smallholder farming systems in Burera, Musanze and Nyamagabe districts of Rwanda},
author = {Cyamweshi, A. R. * and Nabahungu, N. L. and Mirali, J. C. and Kihara, J. and Oduor, G. and Rware, H. and Sileshi, G. W. *},
journal = {Experimental Agriculture},
year = {2022},
volume = {58},
number = {-: e20},
pages = {1--14},
issn = {0014-4797},
note = {CAHub; Science Area NRM; CRP Wheat; Published online 22 June 2022},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1017/S0014479722000096},
doi = {10.1017/s0014479722000096},