@ARTICLE {BOUNIOL:2024, title = {Varietal impact on women's labour, workload and related drudgery in processing root, tuber and banana crops: focus on cassava in sub-Saharan Africa}, author = {Bouniol, A. and Ceballos, H. and Bello, A. A. and Teeken, B. and Olaosebikan, O. and Owoade, D. and Agbona, A. and Fotso Kuate, A. and Madu, T. * and Okoye, B. * and Ofoeze, M. * and Nwafor, S. * and Onyemauwa, N. * and Adinsi, L. * and Forsythe, L. and Dufour, D. }, journal = {Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--25}, issn = {0022-5142}, note = {WAHub; CAHub; Science Area SSAB; PPPH; RTB; Banana; Cassava; First published 22 August 2023}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.12936}, doi = {10.1002/jsfa.12936}, } |