@PROCEEDINGS {ALAMU:2023g, title = {Contribution of Gliricidia sepium green leaf biomass on maize grain nutrient properties}, author = {Alamu, E. O. and Njoloma, J. and Ngumayo, J. * and Akello, J. and Chikoye, D. and Nyoka, I. and Dale, L. * and Ray, C. * and Mehreteab, T. and Nagothu, U. S. }, booktitle = {Poster presentation at the 8th Annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week ANH2023, 19-30, June, Malawi}, year = {2023}, month = {June}, organization = {Agriculture, Nutrition and Health}, address = {Lilongwe, Malawi}, note = {SAHub; Science Area NHH; PPPH; CRP Maize;}, } |