title = {Genome-wide association analysis of phenotypic traits in Bambara groundnut under drought-stressed and non-stressed conditions based on DArTseq SNP},
author = {Odesola, K. A. and Olawuyi, O. J. * and Paliwal, R. and Oyatomi, O. and Abberton, M. },
journal = {Frontiers in Plant Science},
year = {2023},
volume = {14},
number = {-: 1104417},
pages = {1--14},
issn = {1664-462X},
note = {WAHub; Science Area BPB; CRP Grain Legumes; Groundnut; Published 14 February 2023},
url = {https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1104417},
doi = {10.3389/fpls.2023.1104417},