@TECHREPORT {YEBOAH:2022c, title = {Climate Information Services, Climate-Smart Agriculture, and One Health Innovations for Resilient Food Systems: Capacitation of Intermediaries and Lead Farmers in Ghana}, author = {Yeboah, S. * and Martey, F. * and Clottey, V. and Damba, O. T. * and Adomako, D. and Nii-Koi, G. * and Frimpong-Annin, K. * and Wadie, B. A. * and Amankwaa-Yeboah, P. * and Dalaa, M. A. and Obeng, F. and Tepa-Yotto, G. and Agboton, C. and Tamo, M. }, year = {2022}, type = {AICCRA Ghana Report 2022}, institution = {Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA)}, address = {Accra, Ghana}, note = {WAHub; Science Area PPPH; CRP CCAFS Climate;}, } |