title = {Introgression of ceara rubber (Manihot glaziovii Muell-Arg) into cassava (M. esculenta Crantz): a morphological and electrophoretic evidence},
author = {Wanyera, N. and Hahn, S. K. and Aken 'Ova, M. *},
editor = {Akoroda, M. },
booktitle = {Root crops for food security in Africa: proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch, 22-28 November 1992, Kampala, Uganda},
year = {1994},
pages = {125--130},
publisher = {ISTRC-AB; CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)},
address = {Kampala, Uganda},
note = {RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava},