@INPROCEEDINGS {KUREH:2007, title = {Effects of sole cropping, intercropping and rotation with legume trap-crops on striga control and maize grain yield in farmers' fields in the Guinea savannas}, author = {Kureh, I. * and Kamara, A. }, booktitle = {In demand-driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa, proceedings of the fifth biennial regional maize workshop}, year = {2007}, pages = {169--179}, publisher = {International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); WECAMAN}, location = {Ibadan, Nigeria; Cotonou, Benin}, note = {IITA-Cotonou, Benin, 3-6, 2005; CRP Grain Legumes; Legume; CRP Maize; Maize}, } |