title = {Cassava Bacterial Blight in Africa: past, present and future. Proceedings on an Interdisciplinary Workshop, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. June 26 -30, 1978.},
editor = {Terry, E. R. and Persley, G. J. and Cook, S. C. A. },
booktitle = {Proceedings on an Interdisciplinary Workshop, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. June 26 -30, 1978},
year = {1978},
month = {June},
publisher = {Centre for Overseas Pest Research (Ministry of Overseas Development), London, UK.},
organization = {IDRC/IITA/COPR},
address = {Ibadan, Nigeria},
isbn = {0 85135 092 5},
note = {RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava},