@INPROCEEDINGS {AKONDE:1995, title = {Response of maize and cassava to potassium fertilization and alley cropping with Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia auriculiformis}, author = {Akonde, T. P. and Leihner, D. E. and Kang, B. }, booktitle = {Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September 1992}, year = {1995}, pages = {248--254}, location = {International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)}, address = {Ibadan, Nigeria}, note = {RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava.; In: Alley farming research and development: proceedings of an international conference on alley farming, 14-18 September 1992}, } |