@MISC {LEGG:2010b, title = {A tale of two epidemics: the contrasting dynamics of cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak diseases in East Africa}, author = {Legg, J. and Jeremiah, S. * and Obiero, H. and Maruthi, M. N. and Ndyetabula, I. * and Okao-Okuja, G. and Kim, D. and Bouwmeester, H. and Bigirimana, S. * and Tata-Hangy, W. and Gashaka, G. * and Mkamilo, G. * and Alicai, T. * and Kumar, P. L. }, year = {2010}, month = {June}, howpublished = {Abstract: PVEN-IPVEN Symposium, on exploiting agricultural and natural ecosystems, June 20-24, Cornell, Ithaca, New York}, note = {RTB; Root and Tuber Cassava.; Abstract in: Book of Abstracts, PVEN-IPVEN Symposium, Plant viruses: exploiting agricultural and natural ecosystems, June 20-24, Cornell, Ithaca, New York. p.2}, } |