@PROCEEDINGS {BEED:2010h, title = {BXW-Research questions? (knowledge gaps?): paper presentation at the workshop to develop an agreed work plan to strengthen extension capacity for coping strategies to BXW in Eastern DRC and other constraints to banana production, Goma, 1-5 November, 2010}, author = {Beed, F. and Nakato, V. and Ramathani, I. and Bouwmeester, H. }, booktitle = {Workshop to develop an agreed work plan to strengthen extension capacity for coping strategies to BXW in Eastern DRC and other constraints to banana production, Goma, 1-5 November, 2010}, year = {2010}, note = {RTB; Banana; Plantain.; Paper presentation at the workshop to develop an agreed work plan to strengthen extension capacity for coping strategies to BXW in Eastern DRC and other constraints to banana production, Goma, 1-5 November, 2010; 40p.}, } |