title = {Status of Bactrocera invadens management in Africa: recent advances, successes and challenges},
author = {Ekesi, S. and Vayssieres, J. and Hanna, R. and de Meyer, M. and Goergen, G. and Malachrida, A. },
booktitle = {Book of abstracts, 8th International Symposium of Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, Valencia, Spain, 26 September - 1 October 2010},
year = {2010},
pages = {96},
publisher = {Editorial Universitat Polit{\`e}cnica de Val{\`e}ncia},
address = {Spain},
note = {Abstract in: Book of abstracts, 8th International Symposium of Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, Valencia, Spain, 26 September - 1October 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-4446-0},