@MISC {KILLANI:2010, title = {Potential effect of phytopesticide (rice husk extract) on root and soil-borne fungi pathogens of cowpea isolated in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria}, author = {Killani, A. S. and Abaidoo, R. and Akintokun, A. K. }, year = {2010}, month = {September}, howpublished = {Abstract (Oral presentation) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October}, note = {Abstract (Oral presentation) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010}, } |