@MISC {PATINO:2005a,
title = {Ethanol from cassava chips: investment and profitability in cassava enterprises},
author = {Patino, M. and Ezedinma, C. and Okechukwu, R. and Sanni, L. and Lemchi, J. and Ogbe, F. and Akoroda, M. and Tarawali, G. and Okoro, E. and Mkumbira, J. and Ssemakula, G. and Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A. and Geteloma, C. },
year = {2005},
howpublished = {Flyer},
note = {RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava.; Flyer of the Integrated Cassava Project, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 6p.},