@ARTICLE {OGUNLADE:2010, title = {A proposal for the use of the partnership-extension model to facilitate adoption of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture's plantain and banana (Musa spp.) technologies in Nigeria}, author = {Ogunlade, I. * and Coulibaly, O. }, journal = {Acta Horticulturae}, year = {2010}, month = {November}, volume = {2}, number = {879}, pages = {791--796}, issn = {0567-7572}, note = {RTB; Banana; Plantain.; In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing International Partnerships to Increase Research Impact. 5-9, October, 2008. Mombasa, Kenya. IITA Technologies}, url = {http://www.actahort.org/}, } |