@MISC {MUCHUNGUZI:2011, title = {On-farm evaluation of newly introduced east African highland banana hybrids in Burundi and North Kivu}, author = {Muchunguzi, P. and Tushemereirwe, W. K. * and Vigheri, N. and Lwanga, C. and Kanyaruguru, J. and Ouma, E. and Blomme, G. and Van Asten, P. and Kezumutima, M. * and Kimana, C. and Lorenzen, J. }, year = {2011}, howpublished = {Abstract (Poster Presentation), p. 115 in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October}, note = {RTB; Banana; Plantain.; Abstract (Poster Presentation) in Book of Abstracts of CIALCA International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid-Highland Systems of sub-Saharan Africa", Kigali, Rwanda, 24-27 October, 2011. p. 115}, } |