@MISC {MASHAKOE:2011, title = {Effect of inoculant formulations on N2 fixation in field-grown Soybean genotypes at Mozambique}, author = {Mashakoe, R. M. * and Boahen, S. and Dakora, F. D. *}, year = {2011}, month = {October}, howpublished = {Abstract (Poster), p. 284 in the Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Society Conference,"from soil to soul- crop production for improved African livelihoods and better environment for future generations", held in Maputo, Mozambique. 10-13 October}, note = {Abstract (Poster), p. 284 in the Proceedings of the 10th African Crop Science Society Conference,"from soil to soul- crop production for improved African livelihoods and better environment for future generations", held in Maputo, Mozambique. 10-13 October, 2011. p. 284}, } |