@MISC {JEFWA:2008, title = {Benefits and potential use of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in banana and plantain systems in Africa}, author = {Jefwa, J. * and Coyne, D. and Gaidashova, S. * and Elsen, A. and Van Asten, P. and Vanlauwe, B. }, year = {2008}, month = {October}, howpublished = {Abstracts, P. 67 in the Program and Book of Abstracts, International Banana 2008 Conference, "Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing International Partnerships to Increase Research Impact". 5 - 9 October, Mombasa, Kenya}, note = {RTB; Banana; Plantain}, url = {http://www.banana2008.com/cms/details/conference.aspx?articleid=31&zoneid=1}, } |