title = {Evaluation of plant growth and grain yield of 30 cowpea genotypes in Mozambique},
author = {Ussene, R. and Muananamuale, C. and Boahen, S. },
year = {2012},
month = {October},
howpublished = {Abstract, p. 110-111 in Conference Information, Program and Abstracts of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Conference (ISFM), Oct 22-26, 2012, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya},
note = {In: Woomer, P.L. (Editor). 2012. Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: from Microbes to Markets: Conference Information, Program and Abstracts. An international conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, 22-26 October 2012. CIAT. 122 pp.},