@MISC {FOTSOKUATE:2013a, title = {Ant diversity in the humid forest zone of Cameroon: distribution of the pest ant Anaplolepis tenella Santschi (ABSTRACT)}, author = {Fotso Kuate, A. and Hanna, R. and Nagel, P. and Tindo, M. *}, year = {2013}, howpublished = {Abstract, p. 130 in the book of abstracts of the 20th Biennial Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientist, 28-31 October, 2013 Yaounde, Cameroon}, note = {In: Global change and impacts on insect biodiversity: integrated pest and disease vectors management in Africa, 20th Biennial Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientist, 28-31 October, 2013, Yaounde, Cameroon}, } |