@ARTICLE {OGUNWOLE:2015, title = {Effects of B-Carotene biofortified cassava grits (Mahihot esculenta crantz) based-diets on retinol bioavailability and performance of broiler chicks}, author = {Ogunwole, A. O. * and Oladimeji, S. O. * and Abayomi, F. D. * and Kulakow, P. and Iluebbey, P. and Tewe, O. O. *}, journal = {Journal of Agricultural Science}, year = {2015}, volume = {7}, number = {10}, pages = {187--197}, issn = {1916-9752}, note = {Published online: 15 Sepember 2015; WAHub; RTB; Cassava}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jas.v7n10p187}, doi = {10.5539/jas.v7n10p187}, } |