title = {Genome-wide association and prediction reveals genetic architecture of cassava mosaic disease resistance and prospects for rapid genetic improvement},
author = {Wolfe, M. and Rabbi, I. Y. and Egesi, C. N. * and Hamblin, M. and Kawuki, R. S. * and Kulakow, P. and Lozano, R. and Carpio, D. P. and Ramu, P. and Jannink, J. },
journal = {Plant Genome},
year = {2016},
volume = {9},
number = {2},
pages = {1--13},
issn = {1940-3372},
note = {WAHub; RTB; Cassava; Published: 13 May 2016},
doi = {10.3835/plantgenome2015.11.0118},