title = {Mapping of QTL associated with resistance to Cassava Brown Streak and Mosaic Diseases in outcrossing cassava cultivars locally cultivated in Tanzania: proceeding (poster)},
author = {Masumba, E. * and van der Merwe, A. * and Myburg, Z. * and Kapinga, F. * and Kasele, S. * and Kulembeka, H. * and Mkamilo, G. * and Rounsley, S. and Prochnik, S. and Kanju, E. and Ferguson, M. },
booktitle = {Proceeding (Poster) presentation at the Plant & Animal Genome XXIII, January 10-14, San Diego, CA},
year = {2015},
organization = {Plant & Animal Genome},
address = {San Diego, CA},
note = {EAHub; RTB; Cassava},