@INBOOK {HIWASAKI:2016, title = {Integrated systems research for sustainable smallholder agriculture in the uplands of mainland Southeast Asia: achievements and lessons learned}, author = {Hiwasaki, L. and Bolliger, A. and Lacombe, G. and Raneri, J. and Schut, M. and Staal, S. }, year = {2016}, month = {November}, pages = {101--117}, chapter = {5}, publisher = {World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)}, address = {Vietnam}, isbn = {978-604-943-434-1}, note = {In: Hiwasaki L, Bolliger A, Lacombe G, Raneri J, Schut M and Staal S, (eds.). Integrated Systems Research for Sustainable Smallholder Agriculture in the Central Mekong: Achievements and challenges of implementing integrated systems research.}, } |