title = {Plateformes d'innovation comme dispositif d'orientation des trajectoires technologiques des filieres agricoles. Cas de la filiere banane plantain en Cote d'Ivoire},
author = {Angbo-Kouakou, E. and Temple, L. and Mathe, S. and Assemien, A. *},
journal = {Technology and Innovation},
year = {2017},
month = {March},
volume = {17},
number = {2},
pages = {1--18},
issn = {2399-8571},
note = {Eng. Title=Innovation Platforms as a Tool to Support Technological Change in Agri-Chains. The case Study of Plantain Value Chain in Cote d'Ivoire},
doi = {10.21494/iste.op.2017.0107},